As we wait for the tracked owls to start heading north, we thought we would put all of our owls into a gallery for everyone to enjoy. Below are images of all the owls tagged this winter as part of Project SNOWstorm. We wish them luck as they begin to head north for their breeding grounds, and hope to get a lot of data from them in the coming years. (And we remember Philly, who despite our best efforts was killed by a plane Jan. 29.)
Keep checking in on the maps page for latest updates on each owls movements.
Click on the thumbnails to see the full high resolution images of each owl.
34 Comments on “Class photo”
I (along with friends) have been following Project Snowstorm all winter and really appreciate all that you do to research and protect these owls. We travelled to Assateague and other places, but were never able to see one in the wild, so it was wonderful to have your updates and photos. Thank you so much for the Class Photo too – fantastic!!
What a nice wardrobe these ‘guys’ have.
Thanks so much for all of these; I only recently found your project. Your efforts are appreciated.
Thank you for all your efforts. I love the pictures and applaud you all.
Aren’t they wonderful creatures! I have seen several this winter at Plum Island in Massachusetts. They all have their own “personalities” it seems. Am looking forward to the scientific data that you will be collecting on the magnificent birds. Thanks for all you are doing.
Very nice thank you for sharing! I tried relentlessly to see one in vermillion mn as there were several that would hang out in the same field but my timing was always off it seemed. So I appreciate being able to look at these! Very exciting project!
I have very much enjoyed following project snowstorm. All of the snowy owls are such beautiful creatures. There have been snowies in our area, one of which is in your project. Although, we did not see that particular one, we did get to see one at a close distance. It was a very emotional experience for me and I will never forget it. Thank you.
I greatly appreciate the work you guys are doing on this project! We’re also benefiting from this year’s irruption in south and central Saskatchewan. I’ve been fortunate enough to have spotted 28 SNOWs since November – 2 of these I know their territories and have visited them a few times each. One has a GPS backpack and its neat to see him perched up on a power pole with the small antenna sticking out off his back. Keep up the great work! :)
The unit with the antenna is likely a satellite transmitter from another study. A very cool find and I wonder who it belongs to.
beautiful photos! I didn’t personally see any snowy owls here in Long Island but I know people that did see them in the dunes along the beach at Fire Island.I did however have a memorable close encounter with a snowy many years ago in Buffalo. it was sometime in the early 1980s at Tifft Farm nature preserve , close to Lake Erie. A huge beautiful snowy owl hung out in the area all winter and frequently perched right on top of the nature cabin! He or she didn’t seem to be afraid of the people who passed below all day long. Just wondering why the snowies seem to be out in the day whereas most owls are nocturnal?
Most owls are out during the day, it’s just that those we are accustomed to tend to hide in cover, away from people and flocks of crows. Snowy owls come from wide open spaces with no cover and tend to seek out similar habitat even when they venture out of the tundra.
Close observation of snowy owls during the day will show that they are often resting or sleeping.
You all have done a fantastic job this winter!! All your efforts are much appreciated, and I can’t wait to learn what’s in store in the future for these owls. In looking through the mug shots, I felt real sad when I came to Philly. They are all beautiful, majestic, magical birds.
First I would like to say what a great photo collection.
This was such an exciting winter. My wife and I seen 31 snowys in Wisconsin, ranging from Janesville to Kewaunee. I have pics of each one and post my sightings to ebird.
I think this is an awesome project and I hope it will continue for years to come. Thank you for all you do it is well appreciated.
Keep up the good work!!!!
These birds are beautiful! Thank you so much for all the updates. Happy travels to the whole class.
What utterly spectacular birds – they are a joy and an honor to see. Thank you so much for your love of wildlife and of research – makes me feel both humble and awed looking at those eyes!
Thanks for the updates and insights that your research is providing. I hope to continue to follow your monitoring of these beautiful birds. My wife and I may have photographed Hungerford on south Assateague….. such a gorgeous owl!
I have seen several photos of Hungerford. She can be identified from the spot of dirt above her right eye. She had that at least several days prior to her capture.
Absolutely amazing, a photographers dream. I enjoy birds of all kinds, last summer we had a white owl land on an arbor in our garden near our fish pond. By the time I got my camera, I only was able to get a blurred vision as he flew away. I can only imagine the joy you have received from these beautiful creatures.
This is a great class photo. Our neighbor was traveling threw Lancaster County, Pa. (on Saturday afternoon) and found out people were watching the snowy Owls, we had told them all winter to keep an eye out for them and if they seen any let us know, being birders we never seen one in the wild. So Sunday March 23rd they told us about the ones in New Holland, Pa,area. So we took off that Sunday morning to go look in the fields we had an idea where the directions were taking us. Right place, asked a few cars in the area where they were……we were told there was 5 or 6 of them in a couple fields but they weren’t there, they must of flew that Saturday night or early Sunday morning. So close and so far away…….. marant shoes online Free Run Sale Jordan 5 louis vuitton handbags
I wish I could be a fly on the wall of your office when the first transmission comes in from one of last year’s owls!
Definitely hoping Ramsey comes back!
Can’t wait for these guys to head south!
my lovely snow owl ♡♡♡
How many of the snowys you put on transmitters did not survive to even begin the journey home. I know you are still waiting to see how many will make the return trip.
Beautiful snowy owls! Love owls!!
They are all just too cute and cuddly!
Ramsey Owl, is there any updates on this owl at all.??